Return Policy
You may return any unused and unopened item for a full refund within 30 days from the date of your order. Returns between 31-60 days are subject to a 30% restocking fee. All returns must be in the original packaging with all original contents.
All claims for shortages, damages, or misfilled items must be made within 48 hours as instructed on the delivery ticket.
The following items may not be returned:
- Items that have been used, items not in their original packaging or where the packaging been defaced or damaged
- Special orders including special order furniture
- Stocked furniture that has been installed or assembled
- Food or drink
- First aid items
- Custom printing
- Made-to-order products
If a product is received by GHOP as non-returnable, we will return the product to the customer.
Office Supplies – General office supplies may be returned for a refund within 30 days of the date of your order. Product must be in original manufacturer packaging, unopened and in resalable condition. Product must have no writing on the outer box.
Ink/Toner/Technology – May be returned for a refund within 30 days of the date of your order. Product must be unopened, in original packaging, unexpired and include all UPC codes. Product must have no writing on the outer box. Electronic items covered under the manufacturer’s warranty are not returnable. These items must be reported to the manufacturer.
Furniture – stocked furniture may be returned for a refund within 30 days from the date of your order. Product must be in original packaging, unopened and in resalable condition.
Custom ordered and installed furniture may only be exchanged per the manufacturer’s warranty if defective or damaged.
Product or parts replacement under manufacturer’s warranty will include the products only. Installation of the new part or replacement will incur installation fees if requested and after 30 days of original delivery.
Refunds/credits can only be made to the original form of payment.
How to return a product:
Fill out a request on our Credit Return Form below or contact Customer Care at 281-724-1533 with your sales order number, product code and reason for return. If your request is approved and you are located within our local delivery area, we will issue a return order to have the item(s) picked up. If your request is approved and you are located outside our local delivery area, we will send a call tag or you may be requested to send back to our warehouse at the address shown below with a copy of your order in the return.
1311 West League City Parkway
League City, TX 77573